
Friday, December 16, 2011

The God who Opens Doors

Over and over of again the Bible talks of the God who opens the door and you can read it in the following passages :

Revelation 3:8  See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.
Acts 14:27 On arriving there, they gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.

1Corinthians 16:9 because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me.

2 Corinthians 2:12 Now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me,

 Colossians 4:3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.

Passages like this make us to trust in God and depend on the Holy spirit as we proclaim the gospel even in the midst of crisis and oppositions.

The above verses are true of us. W we have seen Him opening doors for us in Nairobi. I remember some time back a pastor told me in his office that you are only fit to work in rural areas but not in towns. My answer to him was yes, and for many reasons. For one I was born and raised in a rural area. I went to high school in a place refereed to then as the hardship area North Eastern Province. For many years I preached in rural areas not knowing how we would survive day to day. We certainly did not have enough funds to start Church.

This statement reminded me of what Paul said that who is sufficient for these things, and the words of Peter, that God is no respecter of persons. One of my teacher’s, the late Musila told us, “Don't wait for people to promise you that they’ll back and then you go in to the ministry, but just go, and the Lord will bring people your way as you continue serving Him.

When we went to Tassia we did not know any person there, but the Lord opened the door for us through Brother Nixon and his wife Modester. They allowed us to meet in their small school at no cost.  We met for three weeks without any person from outside, it was only my household. Thanks be to God who has opened a door for us! We now have over 15 people attending each Sunday to hear the Gospel preached to them. Even now we have a mid-week meeting.

The door is open here for evangelism. We have been doing door to door, distributing gospel tracts. God willing, next year we want to start open air preaching. If George Whitefield preached in an open air, then I don’t see reason why we cannot do it. This is an area where many gospel centered Churches in Kenya are weak. Yet the door is open, for there is freedom to worship in our beloved country. Please pray for us that we may use all means the Lord has provided to preach Christ and Him crucified. 

We are grateful to God for opening to us the door of ministry among children and high schools in Nairobi. At one girl's high school I preach the gospel once a month. Recently the Lord opened to us a boy's high school. Here I have the opportunity to preach twice each week. When I first preached at the school, I preached on why Jesus Christ died (I Peter 3:8). The deputy principal told me this is the kind of preaching we need; not telling stories.

By the grace of God, the Lord has brought to us a young man from one of our Church in Kisumu, and he is gifted in preaching. He has the right understanding of the gospel and he is a great help to our Church plant efforts here in the Nairobi Tassia area.

The Lord also opened for us a door to distribute Third Millennium Ministries  resources to many of the pastors in Kayole. Some pastors who visit with me to watch training videos at my house. God willing, we may be taking these resources to Eastern and Western Kenya, where some church leaders have developed interest in them. Personally I am studying Biblical Theology. I the past I have only had the opportunity to read about Biblical Theology, but now I am able to study it as a subject.

Dear brethren, pray for us. There is a need for more Gospel Centered Churches here in Nairobi. The people are many and gospel centered Churches are few. There are more “man centered churches” all over. The massage of God's free offer of salvation needs to be preached in every corner of our city until this hymn is fulfilled in our midst, "We have heard the joyful sound Jesus save, Jesus saves.”  We lack many resources, but as William Carey said, “Attempt great things for God and expect great things from God.”  

We too may tempt great things for the gospel of our blessed Savoir the Lord Jesus. Pray that we may stand and say like Peter and John at the temple gate, “silver and gold have we none but what we give unto you in the name of Jesus Christ rise up and work.”

Even among other Bethesda Baptist Churches the Lord is working greatly and we thank Him for the opportunities He is opening for us.

Those of you brothers and sisters who are supporting us in one way or another, may the God of all grace and mercy richly bless you. Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and standing with us for Christ sake.

Soli Deo Gloria.

Michael Otieno