
Tuesday, January 26, 2010


There was a time I was preparing some teachings in the book of 1 Samuel and Mwalimu Martin K. Bussey recommended to me a commentary written by Dale Ralph Davis entitled “Looking on the heart”. Focus on the Bible series published by Christian focus.

Let me start by quoting Dale Ralph Davis in Page 24 of his commentary “Yahweh is so quietly at work that we cannot hear Him, but the mess at Shiloh is so visible that we cannot miss it”

When we look at chapter 2 these are some things we are seeing the wickedness of Eli's Son (vv12-17), we also see their moral degradation in (VV 22-25) and prophecy against Eli's household( VV 27-36).

But in the midst of all this evils we are reading there is a phrase which is repeated over and over again. The phrase is Samuel is serving (V II), Samuel is serving (VV 18-21) and Samuel growing (V 26) and Samuel serving, 3:10.

This is how Davis put it “ These brief Samuel – notes are note worthy. They tell us that Yahweh is already at work providing for a new, godly leadership for His people. There are no slogans, no campaigns no speeches. It is all very quiet.”

Indeed the writer is telling us that things are bad but don't forget Samuel, he is serving, and he is growing.
When I look at Kenya my country things are bad but God is speaking quietly, that sometimes we may not notice wonderful things He is doing.

Let me start with the mess which is so visible in our country that you cannot miss just the mess at Shiloh.
There was a story in the Standard Newspaper pm 11/1/2010 : This strange world of false pastors and “Prophets”. They target vulnerable people and promise to work miracles in exchange to cash.” “Any problem like unemployment or sickness is an opportunity for false prophecy”.

A lot which is being witnessed in our country like – personality cults, prosperity gospel, leadership wrangles and divisions, church leaders lording over their members, manipulation and petty church politics.

A friend told me of a preacher who anointed ten chairs with oil and then he told people that ten people who will sit on these chairs after paying 10,000/= are going to get great financial breakthrough and people scrambled to sit on these chairs.

In spite of the above things I have mentioned God is at work in our beloved country. He is speaking quietly. Let me mention some things which shows that He is at work in our country.

Do you know that good Christians literatures and commentaries are now being translated into Kiswahili and Wanjiko (common man) will now be able to read good books in Kiswahili. I have worked in rural areas for many years and I know many good pastors who cannot speak or read English but the sad story is that we don't have good books in Kiswahili but we thank God that less equipped ministers in various parts of our country are going to benefit from translation.

These are some books which are available in Kiswahili, Je umezaliw mara ya pili? Dhambi ni hatari and many others.

Last year attended a pastors conference in Kisumu where the book of John was exposed to us and the following subjects were also taught Christ as our priest, prophet, the Saviour and Christ the King. We also went through Isaiah 53, as you can see the preachings and teaching we all Christ centred as opposed to man centred preaching which is so popular in our land.

Grace Baptist Church Eldoret was having their first anniversary since the church was constituted and I attended the function. It was very encouraging to see people singing with joy and to see what the Lord is doing there.

The sermon preached that day was why the gospel is glorious (1Tim 1:11-18). We saw that the gospel is glorious because it reveals God's Character, it reveals God's purpose and it reveals God's power.

There is a good Christian book based in Karan (NEGEST) Where Bibles, Bible dictionaries,concordance and vital commentaries can be accessed at a very low prise. The bookshop is called African Christian texts books (ACTS). A commentary like the one I have quoted can be found there.

Gospel for Africa, through brother Chad have been sending to us resources like DVDs, CDs and books. Many pastors even those who are not from reform background are benefiting from these resources.

For example now I am listening to DVD video by Ligonier Ministries pastors conference 2002, where Sinclair Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey are dealing with rightly dividing the word of truth and John MacAthur on hath God said? We thank God that good resources are coming into our country.

We have a missionary in our country who have been giving MP3 player to pastors packed with sermons by Stuart Olyott.

In Ukambani, there are 12 reformed Baptist Churches in various areas and they are reaching out to masaini where there is a church plant going on in a place called Bisil.
There is also pastoral theological training going on in Ukambani students are taught 2 weeks per month.

I have a brother and a friend called Mikeal Stenhammar based in Mtwapa Mombasa, who is doing a good job. He is training students how to interpret Bible, and he is also writing some apologetic articles.Has a plan of having library where pastors and students can gather and read good books.

Conclusion. What I am saying is that even though man centred preaching and teaching is every where in our country but here are these who are preaching the true gospel and we must not forget them. We need to pray for them and show those seeking true way of salvation where they can find them.


  1. Thank you for the good report. I'll pray for more workers of the harvest.

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