We began our first fellowship in Choka at Jackan Junior Primary School. Those who attended were brother Simon Ndoo , my family and Mr Karioki's wife and her two Children Sammy and Wamboi.
Mr Karioki is the first person we met and invited us in his home currently he is not leaving in Choka but the wife and children has been faithfully attending our Bible Study. Please remember Karoki in your prayers he is having a problem of drinking alcohol.
We noted with deep concern that majority of Choka residents do not value the Lord's day,the sabbath. As such, they seems to value attending to their business commitments, others choose to merely stay at home, rather than attend to Sunday worship.
Please continue prying for us because God willing next year we want to be more aggressive in personal evangelism and distribution of gospel tracts in Choka and other places in East land.East land is a vast area and some places people have not received our gospel tracts and teachings.
We are also planing to do some open air preachings and having Bible study in several places God willing.
There is also opportunity to be preaching in a near by private secondary school on Sundays.The primary school where we are meeting has also told me that they will give us time to teach children.
Please pray that God my pour His Spirit to open the heart of those we are preaching to and giving tract.
Yours in Christ,
Michael Otieno Maura
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